Here is a list of all the items that Best Trash accepts for recycling. All recycled items should be dry, empty, clean, and loose.
Newspapers and inserts, magazines, catalogs, junk mail, envelopes, file folders, white and colored office or computer paper, corrugated cardboard, cereal and gift boxes, paper bags, phone books, wrapping paper, milk cartons, juice cartons, wax-coated boxes, cardboard boxes.
Aluminum cans, aluminum foil, aluminum foil plates and serving containers, metal food cans and can lids, pots, and pans.
Clear and colored.
Plastic bottles, jars, tubs, and buckets (such as soda, water, milk, juice, liquor, shampoo, detergent, condiments, salad dressing, yogurt, margarine, pet food, etc.).
In order to provide the most environmentally responsible service, Best Trash provides each residence with one recycling bin or cart. Place your recyclable items within the provided recycling bin. Please remove caps, liquids, and food products from inside the containers. If items exceed container capacity, please place them adjacent to a bin well marked as recycling. Please only use the recycle bins for recyclable materials, not as an extra trash container.
We are happy to collect your additional recycling material. Please place the additional recycling in a paper or clear bag, box, or container not smaller than 30 gallons and not larger than 50 gallons clearly labeled (ON ALL SIDES) “RECYCLE” next to your regular recycling container.
We are happy to collect your moving boxes next to the recycle container. It is recommended to condense the boxes into each other to make them more manageable for collection. You can also flatten the boxes and place them next to the recycle container for collection as well. Please limit the boxes to no more than 20 per recycle collection day.
If items are left in your bin, it means they are not recyclable. Please dispose of these items in your trash container for the next scheduled pickup.
Tree Branches, grass, leaves, and foliage are not accepted for recycling. Clothes and wire hangers are not accepted for recycling. Mirrors, windows, and light bulbs are not accepted for recycling. Batteries are not recyclable; they can be taken to Batteries Plus locations. Paint and solvent materials and containers are not recyclable.
If your container is lost or stolen, please contact the office at 281-313-2378 to pay the replacement fee.
Please Note: Not all subdivisions have recycling available.
We provide garage door service for your recycling. The recycle carts must be visible from the street. All recyclables must be contained within the cart. Any items that do not fit in the cart must be placed at the curb for collection, clearly marked for recycling, in containers, or in clear bags.
Best trash personnel will not go behind any gates or fences to collect items.
Please make sure everything is out by 7 am.
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